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I really wanted to go live tonight

I planned on doing locals tonight, I really wanted to do the "first stream aftermath" gay bullshit.

But, I'm really not feeling it. I'm sorry.

I'll do something tomorrow. Right now, I just am drained and fucking tired.

Again. A million people will have a whole slew of opinions about me and everything... that's fine. They've earned it. They don't know the story, they can't. But they get their opinions and I deserve my public lashings.

I ask people to focus on me and my failures, and leave other people allegedly involved out of it.

When it's grifting time, I'll tell you shitty jail stories, or "the good parts about having your house searched" stories.

I want to be jovial and optimistic for those things, because they can be funny and self deprecating. Tonight, I don't feel jovial.

Peace, y'all. Talk soon.

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February 02, 2022

From the discord user RyeNorth.

January 27, 2022
YouTube says this video is too hateful

So I'll upload it here. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE

January 22, 2022

Fauci is a pile of garbage putting all Americans at Risk. Some unfiltered thoughts.

September 06, 2024
Holy shit

Hey, y'all. I was hoping to stream Wednesday and my internet went out. Tonight, I have felt miserable.

I apologize again for recent lack of content. It seems rumble and locals really want me to make some as it appears the US Government has a warrant out for the CEO, and Dave Rubin is wrapped up with the Lauren Chen stuff.

I will get a stream out this week, probably Friday.

Someday, the story of this year gets to be told...

Wednesday Night

Going LIVE at 11:30PM Central. April had court today from a SEKRET LOCATION. A lot of stupid has been said already, but get the inside scoop right here.

on Rumble:

on YouTube:

Live chatted 08/28/2024
Wednesday Night Live

Going Live at 11:15PM Central to discuss...whatever is happening. I had court today or whatever. People didn't seem to understand the issues. But, they're "practicing lawyers," so...

Come join me!

on Rumble:

on YouTube:

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