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This is a place for legal commentary, comedy, and small doses of reality in a world obsessed with fantasy.
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TONIGHT @ 8pm EST on Winning 2024 - Will be watching the Springfield, Ohio Vivek Ramaswamy Town Hall from earlier today along with Coverage of the Latest Election 2024 News & Updates. Based takes on all the important topics. See you soon!

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February 02, 2022

From the discord user RyeNorth.

January 27, 2022
YouTube says this video is too hateful

So I'll upload it here. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE

January 22, 2022

Fauci is a pile of garbage putting all Americans at Risk. Some unfiltered thoughts.

Wednesday Night

Going LIVE at 11:30PM Central. April had court today from a SEKRET LOCATION. A lot of stupid has been said already, but get the inside scoop right here.

on Rumble:

on YouTube:

Live chatted 08/28/2024
Wednesday Night Live

Going Live at 11:15PM Central to discuss...whatever is happening. I had court today or whatever. People didn't seem to understand the issues. But, they're "practicing lawyers," so...

Come join me!

on Rumble:

on YouTube:

September 18, 2024

Electronic Devices exploding, 2 Hollywood pervs facing justice?, More WW3 escalation, Gavin and Kamala being tyrants, and Texas issues a Declaration.
Tonight at 6pm Central

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