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October 07, 2024

Florida man/ Florida insurance agent here, if you live in the state, make sure your policies are paid up. It's too late to change anything on them now but you can still pay for them, and make sure you have water and other supplies. Fill up any plastic container you have with extra water and freeze a bunch of it. If the power goes out it will help your fridge and freezer stay cold longer.

If you live in the projected path of Milton, please get out of the way. Especially if you are within a mile of the coast. It's going to be bad this time. I've lived in Florida all 37 years of my life and I have seen the devastation. Please, your lives are worth more than your stuff.

@RekietaLaw Nick, you have described where your parents live a few times and they are sittin in the bullseye right now. If you haven't yet and if they haven't yet. Please take proper precautions. I have seen first hand the death and destruction these storms cause.

Good luck and God bless.

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February 02, 2022

From the discord user RyeNorth.

January 27, 2022
YouTube says this video is too hateful

So I'll upload it here. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE

January 22, 2022

Fauci is a pile of garbage putting all Americans at Risk. Some unfiltered thoughts.

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